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Take advantage of the experiential-learning opportunities built into many programs.

From the

Chairman’s Desk

Dr. Mahesh Kumar A. Patel

(M.A., M.ED., M. PHIL, PH.D.)

“विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् । पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्रोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ।।”

“Great leaders have extraordinary vision, extend their vision and inspire others to create a kingdom of SUCCESS”. A permanent Vice-regal, witty, and efficient investor. Dr. Mahesh A. Patel has a diversified knowledge in creating coherent organizations, bears great plans to widen his horizons in the field of education, is an affluent entrepreneur, and a potent capitalist. He owns great foresight capabilities to guide and advise on how to escalate successful organizations in different varied sectors. He aims at strong persuasion of an educational institution, in shaping the students’ future and refining their abilities. Believes in teamwork and comprehends parents’ expectations and trust. The prominence of the institution endeavors at providing an immaculate and tranquil learning ambiance to shimmer with glory. Under his celestial leadership, Shree Amrutam Education Campus will evolve as a remarkable institution setting up milestones in the field of education, working for the invigorate future of the nation.

Managing Trustee’s Message

Mr. Kalpesh Patel

Managing Trustee

Dear students, We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future

शिक्षा पर विचार मनुष्य निर्माण की प्रक्रिया पर केन्द्रित है, न कि महज किताबी ज्ञान पर शिक्षा क्या है? क्या वह पुस्तक विद्या है? नहीं! क्या वह नाना प्रकार का ज्ञान है? नहीं, यह भी नहीं जिस संयम के द्वारा इच्छाशक्ति का प्रवाह और विकास वश में लाया जाता है और वह फलदायक होता है, वह शिक्षा कहलाती है।

These words perfectly describe our aim at AMRUTAM EDUCATION CAMPUS. Beyond providing a sound education, we wish to provide our students with a holistic learning experience for life. Our aim is to teach students to LEARN, not just STUDY. Hence, we strive to travel beyond books. We have realized that the future is abstract and unknown but the youth in our hands are real and can be molded. Dear students, You are the nation-builders, You are the movers of health, you are the agents of change.’ It is our fervent hope that the years that you spend in AMRUTAM EDUCATION CAMPUS would enable you to equip with leadership and managerial skills. The knowledge that you will gain, the fine qualities that you will imbibe and the technical skills that you will learn to apply will be your contribution to your parents, to society, and to the nation.

शिक्षा एसी हो जिससे बालक के चरित्र का निर्माण हो, मन का विकास हो, बुद्धि विकसित हो तथा बालक आत्मनिर्भर बने।

Trustee’s Message

Mr. Nitin Patel


“Education is not Confined in the Four Walls of Class Room”

Amrutam Education Campus is a vibrant and welcoming learning community. committed to creating the best possible educational experience for every child. We aim to enable all the children to reach their full potential. Today, in a world where society is increasingly fragmented and polarized, our school remains a community. Where honesty and integrity matters, humor and hard work are important values, and where the process of education is as important as the grade. Central to our efforts to build an intellectual community is our dedicated faculty. We are a school community of high expectations, academics At the same time we are developed to help students develop intellectually and socially. In conclusion, I can promise that we are resting on our laurels. We continue to plan for the future and believe that there remains tremendous potential for the growth of the Amrutam Education Campus family. My blessings are always there for students’ bright future.

Director’s Message

Dr. Hemalkumar R. Shah

(, M.ed, Ph.D.)

“Our focus is on the development of your children with various creative and innovative but stress-free activities in the playhouse and plays school.”

With immense pleasure and great respect, on behalf of Amrutam Education Campus would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to the Novel Structure. The Novel Structure Campus originated with an idea to develop our students, not just academically but also in various fields of extracurricular activities such as games, music, dance, and many more, We are committed to doing our best for the overall growth of your children, our students. Let me assure you that your loved ones will be in safe hands. Your support will encourage us to do even better day by day! Together we will set a new benchmark and provide a sense of pride for everyone involved, be it parents of our students or the members of our organization. Thank you.